Patron Rules

Image of Wauseon Public Library Rules. See text below on webpage for full rule information.

Wauseon Public Library




Library patrons should ask for assistance when materials cannot be located. Materials taken off the shelf should be left on tables for reshelving by staff. Damage to library property must be reported immediately to library staff. Patrons will be held financially responsible for any damaged materials or property.


Parents, not staff members, are responsible for supervising children who are not old enough or are not able to be unsupervised in all areas of the library, with the exception of staff directed activities. At no time will Library staff act in loco parentis.


Anyone disrupting library services or the atmosphere conducive to study by rowdiness, violence, force or verbal abuse, will be required to leave the library and the proper authorities will be notified. Any patron bothered by verbal or physical abuse should immediately report the incident to the staff. Staff will assist the patron in reporting the incident to the authorities.


Drugs and/or alcohol of any kind are not permitted in the Library. This includes tobacco and nicotine products of any kind. Smoking and vaping, regardless of substance, are strictly forbidden. This policy applies to drug/alcohol/tobacco use, possession, transmission, and intoxication. Violating this policy will result in the immediate removal from the premises, permanent loss of Library privileges, and a report will be filed with local Law Enforcement..


Weapons of any kind are not permitted on Library premises. This includes concealed and unconcealed weapons. Additionally, no non-weapon item may be used as a weapon or posed to look like a weapon. Fake weapons are also not permitted. Violations of this policy will be reported immediately to Law Enforcement and will result in removal from the Library and permanent loss of Library privileges.


Patrons are not to access online pornographic materials, nudity, violent materials, discriminatory materials, or any information that violates any other Library rule. This policy applies to any device (including cellphones), whether owned by the patron or the Library, and regardless of whether the patron is using the Library internet service or personal data. [Internet Access Policy for Computer Use at the Library is included below.]


No outside food will be permitted in any area of the library. This includes: snacks, fast food, packaged food, and gum. Non-alcoholic drinks are permitted, so long as the drink container has a lid. Snacks provided in the baskets near the drinking fountain and food served during Library programs are acceptable, as these items are provided by the Library for the comfort of our patrons. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the premises at any time.


Patrons may request to use the phone for local calls, as long as they are brief and emergent in nature. Staff will page patrons for incoming calls only in the event of an emergency. Library staff are forbidden by law to provide any information about patrons to anyone over the phone, except in the case of a parent or guardian inquiring about their minor child. The Library phone is not to be used for social calls of any kind.


Patrons should use the Library wisely and respectfully to the benefit of the whole community. Profane language, racism, sizeism, ableism, ageism, homophobia, or any other kind of discrimination will not be tolerated and will result in the immediate removal of the violator from the Library premises and potential loss of Library privileges.


The Wauseon Public Library is not liable for the loss, damage, or theft of patrons' personal items. In the event that a patron leaves a personal belonging at the Library, every effort will be made to identify that patron and return their belongings to them. However, identification of the owner cannot always be guaranteed. Patrons are solely responsible for keeping track of their own belongings.



Internet Access Policy

Welcome to OPLIN, the state-funded Ohio Public Library Information Network. In order to ensure safe, legal, accessible public internet services for all, the WPL Board of Trustees has approved the following Internet Access Policy:

The Library, through OPLIN, provides access to the Internet via our Patron Computer Stations and our free Public Wireless Internet, available for patrons and community members to utilize on their personal devices while visiting the Library.

Internet Usage Code of Conduct:

  • Library patrons utilize the internet at their own risk. The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of minor children assume responsibility for supervising minor access to Internet resources.
  • All OPLIN users must sign a statement affirming they have read the OPLIN policy and agree to abide by the Internet Usage Code of Conduct. Minors (anyone under the age of 18) must have a parent/guardian signature on file.
  • Use of OPLIN computers is granted on a first-come-first-served basis, during regular library hours of operation. Computer users must sign in and out at the front desk with a current library card or photo ID. Failure to sign in or out will result in a temporary revocation of computer privileges.
  • Only one person is allowed at each Patron Computer Station, with the exception of a parent/guardian accompanying a minor child, or for a group project, with pre-approval from Library staff.
  • Library staff are not IT professionals and, therefore, cannot assist with the usage of the internet, including: email, professional and/or academic usage, social media, etc.
  • Software downloaded to personal devices from the Internet may contain a virus or other malware. The Wauseon Public Library is not responsible for damage to a patron's personal device or for any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from patron use of the Library's Internet resources.
  • Library computers and Wi-Fi are intended for educational, informational, or recreational purposes only. Any unauthorized, illegal, or unethical use is strictly prohibited and will result in an indefinite revocation of Internet usage privileges.
    • Responsible and ethical use includes:
      • Not sending, receiving or displaying text or graphics which are illegal, or may reasonably be construed as obscene or offensive.
      • Not utilizing library electronic devices for extensive periods of time (e.g. gaming, excessive video viewing, etc.)
      • Not utilizing the library electronic devices for non-educational gaming (e.g. violent video games, online gambling, etc.)
  • Social media and other websites must not be utilized for any nefarious purposes, including: viewing inappropriate images/recordings (depictions of violence, sexual imagery, nudity, etc.), stalking/harassment, cyber-bullying, inciting violence, or any other activity deemed inappropriate by Library staff. The Library Director reserves the right to revoke Internet usage privileges from any patron, with reasonable cause.
  • Patrons are not to utilize Library Internet resources for the purpose of purchasing any software or other materials, to be billed to the library. Any charges accruing to the Library as a result of patron Internet use will be billed directly to the patron.
  • OPLIN resources are made available to any and all citizens by the State of Ohio. When one person misuses the resources (e.g. accessing inappropriate materials, downloading malware, making unauthorized changes to public systems, etc.), it poses an inconvenience to other users. You are expected to respect the privacy of others by not misrepresenting yourself as another user, by not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others, by not seeking access to any other electronic devices, or damaging or altering software components of any network, database, or device.
  • The Wauseon Public Library Patron Code of Conduct applies to all OPLIN/Internet use.
  • Library Staff Assistance:
    • Due to Library scheduling, Internet-trained staff may not always be available.